Hey friends,

I’m the manifestation of imagination.Why choose one or the other?

Alejandro Olvera
Alejandro Olvera
Software Engineer
MS, BS, Computer Engineering. Currently a full time software engineer and Ph.D student. I am a Software Engineer that specializes in building graphical user interfaces. I am known by my colleagues as the ‘wizard’, which feels slightly odd to say. As for my doctoral degree, I am working towards innovating the high performance computing sector with up and coming technologies.

What I Do

Software Engineering

I am passionate about technology and eager to make a difference in the world, these are my top 4 areas: embedded systems, web development, computer systems, and systems administration. Each of these fields offers unique challenges and opportunities for innovation and problem-solving, and they all play a critical role in shaping the technology-driven world in which we live. Whether you’re interested in building digital experiences, optimizing complex systems, or developing new technologies, I can make it happen.

Embedded Engineering

Embedded engineering is a thrilling field that has revolutionized the way we interact with the world around us. From the smart devices we use every day to the complex systems that drive our cars and airplanes, embedded engineers are responsible for designing and developing the intelligent systems that make these technologies possible. What makes embedded engineering so exciting is the endless potential for innovation and problem-solving. With each new project, I get to use my creativity and technical expertise to design efficient and effective solutions that push the boundaries of what is possible

Web Development

Web development is a field that has transformed the way we interact with the world, and it’s an incredibly exciting time to be a part of it. From e-commerce sites to social media platforms, web developers are responsible for building the digital experiences that shape our lives. What makes web development so thrilling is the endless possibilities for creativity and innovation. With each new project, I have the opportunity to explore new technologies, push the boundaries of what is possible, and create new and exciting experiences for users.